Curvy Column - Curvy Supermodel Dream

Hello my love,

Today I would like to share with you my thoughts on a topic that is important to me - namely how women with curves are portrayed in the media and how they are perceived accordingly. And how the media and fashion industries take advantage of our natural psychological responses and behaviors around beauty ideals, body worship and belonging.
As many people now know, all that glitters is not always gold and behind most pictures there is a different reality. And even if body positivity and body acceptance are on the rise, it is unfortunately already a fact that these terms are now also being marketed and used incorrectly.

We record images and illusions every day without always being able to look behind the respective facade. The fashion and media industry uses exactly this advantage for itself. With the placement of advertising material and such "Oh, I would also like to look like that" pictures, trends and role models are automatically created that we accept as such, even if we don't like it at all. Even those who look critically at these idealized images cannot escape their omnipresence and are unintentionally influenced by them.

And once the trend really takes off, many of us will jump on it - myself included. From a purely human point of view, it is quite natural to orient oneself to role models or to ideas that have already been tried and tested. And it is precisely this behavior that large companies take advantage of by placing products and setting prices accordingly. And depending on the way of communication, we are guided in a very specific direction desired by companies and even by the state without realizing it.

We often forget what we really want or what actually makes us feel good because we are inoculated differently.
And there is a huge psychological influence that affects us women with curves in particular and often makes us unhappy.
That's why I think it's all the more important to draw attention to women and men and choose them as role models who actually share their real thoughts and experiences on the subject of body positivity with us, want to free people from erroneous prejudices and, very importantly, give many fellow human beings a mental one support are.

It would be nice to create more space in the media landscape to present our multifaceted society. Ever since there was social media, I have followed many people on the World Wide Web and used inspirational examples as a guide. Maybe some of you know that too. In this respect, social media was initially a true revelation for me.

In the meantime, however, I know that caution is also required here, because the temptation to fall into false realities and ideals is huge and seductive here too. Just as there are influencers who increase their own self-confidence and acceptance, there are also a majority of people who jump on the "body positivity" train and sell us lucrative fake content or package real content intentionally wrong.

An example for me is the talent show “Curvy Supermodel” on the RTL II channel. In my opinion, the body-positivity trend is cleverly flirted with here, and yet the show fulfills its typical TV format. The girls are sometimes portrayed differently than they would like and anyway as they are, situations are invented or unfavorable snapshots are used to amuse and entertain the audience. Sure, that's show business and partly regulated by contract, but that's exactly what influences the masses . And instead of continuing to convey the same clichés of unhappy, fat women or hypersexualized curve stars to the audience, it would be nice to show the other sides, both the positive and the negative.

With such famous models as Ashley Graham, Candice Huffine or Tara Lynn, only the tip of the iceberg can be seen and only what pleases the eye. And what the ladies themselves share about their lives is too good to be true. The way to get there is the hardest and actually the most interesting. For example, I would be interested in how you can manage a mother, supermodel, businesswoman and girlfriend at the same time. Only the happy ending is shown, because it attracts and keeps us consumers.

That's the way things go, I think diversity should be more than just a buzzword or a campaign name...! It should truly be lived and shown! Because who's life is always just pink and smooth?!
With these words I remain for the time being and wish you a nice evening.
I hope to hear from one or the other of you, because if you have similar thoughts or other experiences, I'd love to hear them.
So until the next article dear ones,