How do I properly care for cashmere & wool?

Proper care of your garments can make a difference in extending their durability and length of wear. In our section "Everlasting Love" we explain to you how you can use a few tips to care for your textile treasures so that they stay beautiful for a long time and bring you joy.

Proper care of Kashmir is crucial to maintaining the softness, suppleness and durability of this luxurious material. Here are some steps to properly care for cashmere:


  1. Hand wash or gentle cycle: It's best to wash cashmere by hand to avoid damage. Use cold or lukewarm water and a mild, special wool detergent. Alternatively, you can also use the gentle cycle on your washing machine.

  2. Soaking: Soak your cashmere piece in cold water for about 5-10 minutes to loosen dirt and sweat.

  3. Gentle cleaning: Gently rub the cashmere to remove dirt. Avoid rubbing or twisting the material vigorously, as this can damage the fibers.

  4. Wash: Rinse the cashmere thoroughly with cold water until all soap residue is removed.

  5. Dry: Gently squeeze the excess water out of the cashmere without wringing it. Lay the cashmere flat on a clean towel and roll it up to absorb any excess moisture. Avoid hanging the cashmere to dry as it may lose its shape. Instead, lay it flat on a dry towel and gently shape it into its original shape.

  6. Storage: Store your cashmere pieces in a cool, dry room, preferably folded and not hung to avoid deformation. Avoid direct sunlight as this can bleach the material.

  7. Remove pilling: Cashmere can develop pilling over time. You can carefully remove pilling with a special lint razor or a fine comb.

  8. Don't wash too often: Cashmere should not be washed too often as this can weaken the fibers. If it is not dirty, airing it out and brushing it occasionally is often enough to keep it fresh.

By following these care instructions, you can ensure that your cashmere pieces remain soft, beautiful and durable for a long time.


Proper care of wool is important to maintain the softness, shape and longevity of your wool clothing. Here are some steps to properly care for To want:

  • Care label: Always check the care label on your wool garment for specific instructions from the manufacturer. Some wool can be machine washed while others require hand washing.

  • Hand wash: If the label recommends hand washing, use cold or lukewarm water and a mild wool detergent. Gently dip the piece of wool into the water, avoiding harsh rubbing or twisting. Rinse the garment thoroughly with cold water until all soap residue is removed.

  • Machine wash: If the label allows machine washing, use a gentle cycle with cold water and a mild wool detergent. Use a laundry net or pillowcase to protect the wool piece. Avoid washing wool with other coarse or hard materials as this can cause abrasion.

  • dry: Gently squeeze the excess water out of the wool garment without wringing it. Then lay it flat on a clean towel and roll it up to absorb any excess moisture. Dry the wool flat, preferably on a wire rack or a dry towel, and gently shape it into its original shape. Avoid hanging wool to dry as it can stretch.

  • Storage: Store your wool in a cool, dry place, preferably folded and not hung to avoid deformation. Use moth repellent to prevent moth damage.

  • Remove pilling: Wool can develop pilling over time. You can carefully remove pilling with a lint razor or a special wool comb.

  • Iron: Use a slightly damp cloth and iron the wool on low heat if necessary. Avoid ironing the wool directly as this may cause burns or damage.

By following these care instructions, you can ensure that your wool clothing is well cared for and lasts a long time.