A body positive evening with Magda Albrecht on July 14, 2018

Round and happy through life

A body positive evening with Magda Albrecht

On Saturday, July 14, 2018, we cordially invite you to the reading and subsequent discussion with the author Magda Albrecht in our store.

 Saturday 14 July 2018

Start: 6 p.m
Ort: The Sisters Shop

Magda Albrecht is an author, blogger, musician and does political education work.

She lectures and gives workshops on body norms (particularly thickness discrimination), strategies for self-empowerment, and queer feminist activism.

In January 2018 her book "Fa(t)shionista - Round and happy through life" was published by Ullstein Verlag.

Even as a six-year-old, Magda Albrecht was annoyed by the comments of her fellow human beings who spoke disparagingly about her fat body. Today she wants to change the ideal of beauty, or rather: expand it, because it is not the many pounds, but the prejudices that are more stubborn than expected: if you are fat, you have failed, are lazy and uneducated. Why actually?, the author asks herself after many years of uncertainty and has since prescribed no more diet shakes, but a double portion of self-confidence. Because she has learned to counteract the ideal of slimness: proud fatshionistas and the realization that diets do nothing - except put you in a bad mood.

"... the author illustrates in the best feminist tradition the linking of beauty regimes, personal responsibility discourses, health policy and scientific criticism." The standard

“Her writing style is casual, funny and smart. And along the way, the readers learn everything that is necessary to see through obsession with being thin, to strengthen the back of fat people and to free themselves from body images that only serve an entire diet industry and medicine.” – AVIVA Berlin

On this evening she will present and comment on passages from her book in a relaxed atmosphere with drinks and snacks in our store. Afterwards there will be time for exchange and discussion.
And of course you can also purchase your personally signed edition on site!
The event is free of charge, all you need to do is register via the following link:

Registration for the reading with Magda Albrecht

We look forward to numerous registrations and an exciting evening with you!

Euer The Sisters Shop Team